jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

The Most popular medicinal herb

Resultado de imagen para medicinal herb

Hi guys, In this blog I am going to talk about the benefits of the most popular medicinal herb, The Cannabis.

this plant have a lot of benefits and they can relieve differents problems like: 1 Alcoholism and drug adiction.
                            Resultado de imagen para alcoholism

Resultado de imagen para alguien fumando un porro gigante
Another comprehensive review of evidence, published last year in the journal Clinical Psychology Review, revealed that using marijuana may help people with alcohol or opioid dependencies to fight their addictions.
But this finding may be contentious; the National Academies of Sciences review suggests that marijuana use actually drives increased risk for abusing, and becoming dependent on, other substances. therefore, keep in mind that "there is unequivocal evidence that regular or regular smoking is not harmless. A precaution against regular use of marijuana is prudent."


Resultado de imagen para depresionIts authors found some evidence supporting the use of marijuana to relieve depression and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
That being said, they caution that marijuana is not an appropriate treatment for some other mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder and psychosis.
The review indicates that there is some evidence to suggest that marijuana might alleviate symptoms of social anxiety.  
that was the most important diseases,but the cannabis can also cure or aliviate the chronic pain,, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety,Cancer,and a many diseases more.


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